Friday, March 4, 2011

Decorative Sale Boats

Cistercian abbey of Notre-Dame de Saint-Benoit-en-Woevre to Vigneulles lès Hattonchâtel (Meuse)

A facade or nearly so, that's all that really remains of the former Cistercian abbey of the hamlet of Saint-Benoit-en-Woevre (near the crossroads leading from Metz to St. Mihiel and Verdun to Toul), hovered over the town of Vigneulles lès Hattonchâtel.
The fineness of this neoclassical facade leaves us guessing what could be this complex of buildings that no longer serves as a backdrop to an abandoned farm ...

Founded in 1132, the Cistercian abbey was rebuilt in the eighteenth century as reflected in the beautiful ruins still present on the site.
Today is a real danger that heritage can be seen from the road if one pays attention. Not far from the abbey's Waterproof (common Lamorville) itself at risk, the Meuse however, no shortage of heritage asset that could be vectors of local development at the gates of Lake Madine ...
This witness of the past is to see before it disappears, hoping that time will prove the contrary ... This will be even more complex as the building receives no protection under the Monuments Historical.
If a restore is not originally envisaged but it would save this beautiful facade that deserves to be rescued from oblivion.

More information: C3% AET-in-Wo% C3% ABvre StBenoitWoevre/Index1.htm

Quad Line Rollerskates

House revival called Le Pavillon Rouge Harchéchamp (Vosges)

Superb village dominated by its castle, Harchéchamp also has a remarkable heritage calendar.
Built between 1593 and 1597, this house called the Red Flag is Renaissance. There is little information on its sponsor and its successive occupants.
If the mullions were missing, many elements reminiscent of the period of construction of a building but rebuilt in the eighteenth century for the domestic but also some openings in outside.

who admires a beautiful house along the Vair, a river that embraces tenderly Harchéchamp ...

More information: =% 28% 2888229% 29% 20% 20% 3aINSEE % 29 & & USRPWD USRNAME = nobody = 4% 24% 2534P & SPEC = 9 & SYN = 1 & IMLY MAX1 = & = 1 & MAX2 MAX3 = 100 & = 100 & DOM = All

Metal Gear 1 Rom English

By Beyza

H abit in gardens
E t it is nice
R bees
It has spines
S nose is small
S e often crush
O n love you.
N 'Did you not find it?

Red Bump Next To Dog's Butt

acrostic Acrostic by Agathe

C is Mama a Ifer
H abit stables
E st pretty
V a stroll
A gospel
L e gallop is his forte.