Friday, October 20, 2006

Cubefield Cheats That Work On Facebook

Factory / Dealer-yard

Two instances of what we statisticians call the secondary sector: the factory site. A factory is a place of work created in one place for a while undefined but preferably relatively long. A site is only temporary - after it ends, it ceases to be site and another site will open probably aileurs. In a plant, different parts of the production process are distributed in space, the foundry, painting, fitting ... On a construction site, the "trades" will follow in the same place, preferably in the right order - laborer, bricklayer, carpenter, roofer, plasterer, etc.. From a factory produced objects out there, then it must leave the shipyard to deliver its purpose ...

short, different title, construction and factory are not in opposition, but in duality - two different methods of organizing human labor. My presentation this afternoon seminar Master was about what happens when it's both a factory under construction.

Developments in the foundry of Ruelle, 1786-1826, according to an article in the Revue Maritime et Coloniale , March 1870

I'm not going to redo all the speech - a little too long, as usual, and largely improvised anyway - but that's the general idea. From 1786 to 1806, then again in the 1820s (but it comes out of my topic), the cannon foundry located at the Navy Lane (Charente) undergoes a series of major redesign, with new buildings, destruction of others, a comprehensive redevelopment of the course River, etc.. - Forging cannon built in 1753 in a former paper mill turns into an establishment of a new type: a large smelter. But

During construction, the sale continues : work began in 1788 but then shelved until the outbreak of war in 1792, after that, the resume work hard just because we need guns for war, so there is no question of interrupting production. Therefore coexist in the same space and plant starts - each with their workers, their materials, their direction. All these beautiful people are walking on foot on occasion: "Entrepreneur of the melting of guns took to the casting of the sand for mortar for masonry of the new oven," says contractor work.

Result: a case interesting duality factory / building site; and the origin of three tonnes of highly detailed source on the history of the foundry. The foot, when the subject is that we propose to treat for his memory M2.

PS: Nathalie Montel's book on the Suez Canal (I will discuss one of these days) is particularly inspiring about the notion of site as a specific mode of organization of work - and therefore subject to history of technology . The intro especially is like damn everything and helped me to conceptualize things a little.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Playing With Pierced Nipples

Fashoda or scramble for Africa

few years ago, I accompanied my beautiful at the British Library - which was still in the walls of the British Museum, it does not date from yesterday - and, having nothing particular to do there, I had made up his mind to go round the bibliography on an episode evoking vague memories of school textbooks: the case Fashoda. What I knew: that there battled the British colonial ambitions, directed along the axis from Cairo to Cape Town, and French, seeking to establish a cross from the Atlantic to Djibouti. I thought I knew it was going in the late nineteenth century th, but that was about all.

What I read on the subject I learned a lot about what was the conquest of Africa by Europe at that time. short summary. * * *

Principal route of the expedition Marchand, Loango to Djibouti, according to Marc MICHEL.

The Franco-English Fashoda date of autumn 1899, but the expedition had been gone for three years. The scramble for effective monitoring European colonies in Africa had it, started around 1875 and accelerating in the 1880s. Since 1893, the Colonies have an Assistant Secretary of State: the colonial empire takes shape within the administration. And without that we ever decided clearly what the goals and limitations of this policy since the fall of the Jules Ferry government on the matter of Tonkin (1885), these are subjects that are avoided. Shipments in small committee will decide in the halls of the Department of the Navy or War, later the Colonial. A "colonial party" organized, but nothing to do with a political party but rather a pressure group bringing together personalities favor colonization.

In 1893, the group began to formulate plans for a shipment Congo (on which France has operations since the voyages of Savorgnan Brazza) to the Nile in the Sudan today. This territory had been under Anglo-Egyptian control - that is controlled by Britain under the nominal sovereignty of the Sultan of Cairo - but they were expelled in 1883 by a violent uprising combining radical Islam and slavery interests (the Arabs Sudan then being the main suppliers of the slave trade by the Red Sea, the only one still thriving). The French plan was to exploit the situation to settle in the Nile upstream of the raised area (State the Mahdi), to negotiate if possible alliance with the Mahdist, and use this position to renegotiate with England the dominion of Egypt - even in the craziest version of the project, checked by dam the Nile. What was hydrologically absurd, but it had impressed the politicians: we reason about half white cards in the abstract, with big blow "as is" and "must that ". * * *

The project behind, according to the political crisis: it is full Dreyfus affair. End 1896, an infantry captain in the Navy, Merchant, manages to convince the Government to entrust the mission with very limited number of French and in his luggage, a steam gunboat kit that will be raised first tributaries AGREEMENT ON Nile - the matter will be conducted smoothly.

You actually have more than two years of hell to reach the small fort of Fashoda. In particular, the famous tributary of the Nile, we imagined aiséments broad and navigable, are invaded by the Suddha, a form of floating vegetation qiu verritables dams - it takes almost digging a channel while moving. Region was devastated by madhiste, so that the food shortage ... The small stone's throw from the Congo Basin and the Nile Basin is not so easy to cross the field.

However, the British government response: General Kitchener command the armies of the Sultan of Egypt, he was Deputy British reinforcements and he led a blitzkrieg against the Mahdist. The discovery of bullets in the French timber ship captured it confirms the presence of French people - including the proposed alliance with the rebellion was apparently misfired. A month later, in September 1898, he was to Fashoda. Tension is at its bridges between France, where the political crisis deepens, and England, which mobilizes the Navy ...

And finally, the voltage drops. The second Marchand returned to France with the report of his head, down the Nile with the English: The journey lasts only two weeks ... Presumably, this disproportion between the travel time of the expedition and this one has made politicians realize the project innanité! The bulk of the expedition returned by Djibouti, on the track of the mission which would strengthen Bonchamps but had grown tired of waiting, the border is drawn on the basis of the previous situation. Any this case, there is not much - a vague resentment that will be exploited excessively by Vichy and confirmation of French domination on the east of the current CAR. * * *

But it is an episode so characteristic of colonization: a decision without debate democratic projects based on a smoky approximate geography, well, not the slightest idea about what will territories and conquered by the magic powers of the competition between the conquest becomes an end in itself.

is this kind of operation that is twisted born territorial dominion of Europeans on almost all of Africa: 70 years of this episode is called colonization. Throughout the remainder of that period, we sought to answer the question that had not posed at the outset: what for. Let's : decolonization, it is also a waiver of an answer. * * *

Main sources used:

Marc MICHEL Mission Marchand, 1895-1899, Paris-La Haye, Mouton, 1972.

Roger Glenn Brown, Fashoda Reconsidered , The Impact of Domestic Politics on French Policy in French Africa, 1893-1898 , Baltimore, John Hopkins Press, 1970.

I also read The Race to Fashoda : Colonialism and African Resistance , DL Lewis, but I have my doubts about the seriousness of the work. Otherwise, various texts of times, but the two titles mentioned above seems more than sufficient for those whom it may concern.

Friday, October 6, 2006

Why Is My Face Red And Hot After Eating


These last Friday, I started an activity to which I declined for several years: the systematic analysis of a series intimidating by its size. These are big books (see below cons ... volume 3) having, by quarter, copies of letters sent by the Department of the Navy regarding the manufacture of artillery.

In fact, it's a bit more complicated than that: the series begins under the Convention, in year III, before departments are restored - they are just after the election of the Management Executive in Brumaire Year IV. The first two volumes are therefore correspondence commissions departments that prefigure an IV, but in my case, it does not change much. As the Republican calendar, but rather a simplification: we made it very quickly and finally, one wonders why they did not keep, the gallant calendar ... A little mental math to find out if you are under the snow or heat wave, and we found it very well.

What is new for me is the scale of work: methodically go through thousands and thousands of pages, extract relevant information, knowing that we take stuff that will not be used and that one passes in whom there may need one day - at least we try to remember it's there.

I do not quantitative history, and it is therefore not complete a database, hoping to collect enough data to have consistent statistical significance. I'm not saying this is not a valid approach: simply, this is not mine. I try to find connections, qualitative elements to understand the processes of production, the relationship between government and producers of artillery, unspoken of these reports ... More specifically, I photograph what interests me and I noted a few words on a page, story to find my kids. Needless to say I made a ton of photos: I have two batteries for the camera, three or four memory cards, and it runs! Say a picture every two or three minutes on average, is also the time to read the documents. And own the minute is that these are documents of an exclusively internal: the clerks do not necessarily treat their writing, not to mention that they often use the register of minutes as a draft before writing the letter itself . Of the four or five scripts that I found in these records, there is one that is almost unreadable, two or three rather readable and perfect - but it is one that returns the least often. Luckily, the least readable mainly deals with issues that do not concern me. * * *

What makes this methodical work, as opposed to cherry picking (sometimes fairly systematic, though) which was my dominant mode is that it can hang up a thread that documents we had met also to reintegrate them in a broader frame. The drawback, of course, is how long it takes: I'm one or two volumes per session, two and a half by making a very big day, and there are four per year. Knowing that it takes at least that I consult the first eight years series is not won!