Friday, May 29, 2009

Granny Oversized Boobs

Meet friendly members of the challenge of usability

members challenge the friendliness, fun and great terroirs had made an appointment on weekends from May 1 to Chitenay for a working seminar, but also a pleasant time together.
The association, founded in 2001 by Bernard Vinot,''famous''organizer''La Champenoise''includes 12 races in France and Belgium.
Objective: To organize a friendly race and highlight our regional products.
The seminar started with an idea of the organizers of the marathon Cheverny, could not take place outside of country of Tintin.
Most organizations have responded to our call, and we find ourselves on May 1 at noon at the mansion Coudraie to Châteauroux.

Everyone brought their''local''drink, and eating is going well until our friends Caldéniacienne who missed their connection in Paris.
The hard work begins after the noon meal prepared by Carol''that has''pampered all weekend.
We then find the castle Cheverny who kindly opened its doors for a tour which continues at the Museum''secrets''Moulinsart.

A passage to the house wines to sample local wines, and back to where we find Chitenay Andrew, newly arrived from Britain, which already has the oyster knife in the hands ... .. kouign amman is not far away ....
See you Saturday morning for our meeting with a thought to moving our friend Bernard Redon disappeared three weeks ago.

Meanwhile our joint visit Chambord. Lunch at 12:30 and resumed hostilities at 14:00.

Then go to Blois at 17:00 for a fascinating cultural tour, organized by passionate, old Blois. Back to
Chitenay after a stop at our friend Gerard Givierge for a complimentary treatment of the palate of our guests ... ..
friendly meals eaten together to close one second long day.
And Sunday morning, we continue with the cultural must-see of the castle of Blois before ending up in Mark for the final meal.

Outside interesting ideas emerged our business meeting, this weekend allowed us to strengthen ties of friendship to those who knew and develop with others.

A similar meeting is needed in 2010 ... and there are already applications !!!!!

Christian Hurson

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Upper Left Quadrant Burning

On the course of the Sleeping The sleeping

In this Sunday, April 26, the forecast weather awful ... ..
No luck, because 3 of our''beautiful''accompanied the prince charming will come together to Azay-le-Rideau to run 42,195 km.
Given my current form and my training, there is not 36 solutions: it is mountain biking.
I negotiate with my presence on 2 official bike on the course within the rules of conduct''''.... All 3 are beautiful
Anne Corine Cecile and confronts for the first time the mythical distance. The prince, who is Philip with Corine Cecile escort on distance. Anne is hoping for a time between 3:30, and 3:35 '.... It is not won in view of its form and its preparation.
Cecilia would be less than 4:15 '... .. but the key is finish.
8:30, the start was given under a sun that ridicules all meteorologists ... ... .. I post on the low side, about 1.5 km after the start. About 400 registered
come to spring. I await the passage of years. ... Which does not happen and that points at least in 15th position!!
About 1 'behind, Cecile surrounded by her bodyguards,''arrives with a smile.''

the 3rd km Anne rose to 9th place. In the 6th km, it is second.
I whispered to him that the first part is on a torrid pace, and that, barring accident, his meteoric rise is going to stop there.
at 10 th kilometer away is already 5 minutes. Meanwhile Cecilia quietly continues its merry way and passes the 14th km on the basis of 4:15 '.
''Marc takes the train to 20th km, and Veronique reinforces the escort at the 27th km.

After a fast start, Anne suffers a bit from its under-training, and will lift the foot between the 30th and the 38th km.
I monitor differences, the third peak at about 4 minutes.
Anne gives a boost 4 km from the finish, and finish second in 3:34, with nearly 5 'lead over the 3rd and 14, the first has just collapsed at the end.
Cecile and her pack''''(Corinne, Philip, Veronica and Mark) will pass the finish line in 4:35 '. Glad to get the president ... .. A little tired and sore legs from behind !!!!!
And here is also valid for others.

Beer and toasted sandwiches on the terrace under an unexpected spring sunshine ... .. a great moment of conviviality and relaxation.
same evening, Cecile already thinking about his next marathon.
In the series''The furious ASJ''. ... I think we shall hold a !!!!!!!


Friday, May 1, 2009

Explicit Waxing Bikini Line

I whose Monitors

This blog has remained dormant for some time, I take it back like I left it: by reading notes. And to begin, a few verses:

Now I, a boat lost in the hair of coves, Hurled by the hurricane
in ether without bird, which I
Monitors and sailboats Han
would have fished carcass water drunk

Rimbaud is, of course, The Drunken Boat, written I believe in 1871. Monitor, "that will frown at the high school student on his tongue out to textual (although MM. Lagarde Michard and have certainly blessed with a footnote on page) in 1871, the name of this ship was a natural for a poet barely older than him. The Monitor was still, eight years after his short career (he sinks into the New Year's night 1863), a real celebrity.

is one of the objectives of D. Mindell in this book, War, Technology and Experience aboard The USS Monitor : to show how the Monitor -celebrity was built almost at the same time as the Monitor -ship, in an offensive to both psychological and Naval.

The facts are: the beginning of the Civil War (1861-1865), one of the main axes of the northern strategy was the complete blockade imposed on the Confederates. However, by early 1862, they had converted the old battleship ship Merrimack, burned at the beginning of the war, threatening to break the blockade. The Monitor, a kind of pocket battleship, was built in emergency to counter this threat. On 8 March 1862, he confronted the former Merrimack (now CSS Virginia) in the strategic crossing of Hampton Roads, exit Maritime Capital of Richmond and Southern main Confederate arsenal, Norfolk. The two ships survived the battle but finally withdrew the Virginia in Norfolk and it is scuttled on May 7 when taking Norfolk by the Union.

The Battle of Hampton Roads, quoiqu'indécise, remained as a symbol of the clash Merrimack and Monitor (power of alliteration: the name of Virginia not scored submissions), the irruption of the industry in the contemporary sense of the term, in the war. This is another axis of Mindell's book: to show the tension between this new war machines and tradition of the heroic warrior. Can be heroic behind impenetrable shield? The writers of the time (Hawthorne and Melville, among others) saw the birth of a war that humans would disappear. It is true that they saw no combat casualties, or nearly so, the Monitor on the bottom of the appalling butchery of ground combat ... Last

tension highlights the work: that between the Monitor calculated the actual Monitor. Its inventor, John Ericsson, has played an active part in the celebrity of the Monitor, on which he built his own - a character misunderstood inventor struggling against all the conservatism which he triumphs, finally, in Hampton's Road, the reality is more complex. First, if the Monitor is innovative, it is not revolutionary: there were battleships in France and Great Britain before it, including a propulsion propeller about the guns on turrets, they been tested on the floating batteries of the Crimean War. Moreover, Ericsson has always refused to set foot on his ship stubbornly refused to admit the faults that he observed. His response to the officers was: "You are mistaken, I calculated everything." However, these problems were real and serious: for example, the Monitor is practically a submarine since the crew quarters and machinery were under the waterline (Jules Verne has also its Nautilus as "a kind of Monitor) - they depend so heavily on the ventilation system. The latter has been stifled by heavy seas, all the crew failed to perish gassed by his own machines while traveling to New York's Hampton Road ...

we can see, there are many good things in this book for anyone interested in the Monitor itself or more generally to mechanized fleets in the nineteenth century e . Some weaknesses, however: the confession of the author, the book is the expanded version of an article from a page in trentaie Technology and Culture (April 1995). However, if there are more elements in the book, it does not seem sure there have been enough to fill 180 pages ... Therefore, some chapters draw the line seriously and seems likely to applications of the publisher and to the needs of historical narrative. Chapter 3 develops the example biography of William Keeler officer aboard the Monitor and whose correspondence is a fundamental source on the ship. Thence to devote a chapter, there is not ... Chapter 8, meanwhile, is entirely devoted to the poem was written on Melville Monitor rather a long paraphrase, anyway. My advice: skip this entire chapter.

Despite these reservations, this is a nice little book to read and who taught me a lot.


David A. Mindell, War, Technology and Experience aboard The USS Monitor , Baltimore (MD) The John Hopkins University Press, 2000, 187pp.

David A. Mindell, "" The Blacksmith's That Clangor of Fray ": Technology, War, and Experience Aboard The USS 'Monitor', Culture & Technology , vol. 36, No. 2 (April 1995) , pp.242-270.

The illustrations are drawn by John Ericsson, Contribution To The Centennial Exhibition , 1876, reproduced in the article Technology & Culture cited, p. 247.