Sunday, June 28, 2009

Will Tv Prices Drop After Christmas?

Ballon d'Alsace - June 14

The weekend was expected to meet several objectives:
1 - Make a nice time with Beatrice (former president of the ASJ) and Gerard lakeside Champagney.
2 - Find Séverine (former secretary of the SJA).
3 - To discover Alsace Anne.
4 - Running a marathon does not yet contained at my table''hunting''.
The first 3 objectives are OK to 150%.
For the 4th, as in Prague I will have to''redouble''... ...

Departure from La Chaussée Saint-Victor late Friday afternoon in the vehicle Randstad has the advantage of having 5 real seats and a very large trunk.
Yes we have scheduled four days to 5 people!!
Marc and Chantal, Anne, Veronica and I are going for 500 terminals. Towards
23 hours we find a nice little restaurant near the lake ... .. The''boss''
agrees to serve us a late dinner.
We then take place in our rooms to be fit on Saturday morning.

Anne agrees to accompany the convalescent I'm on a jog at 6 'per kilo of 3 times 12 minutes with 2' of Recycling. The pros call it the''split''... ..
Severine Laurent and children to join us for 1:00 p.m. a drink overlooking the lake.
Saturday afternoon, stroll by the lake with swimming for the more adventurous.

Sunday morning we get up early. Séverine and I accompany Anne initially marathon that takes place at 9:00. It will be hot and there are more than 1100 meters in altitude. 235 riders on the start line.

Masevaux I descend to witness the departure of Veronica and Mark who participates 18.3 km along the Doller.
Then head for the Ballon d'Alsace with Chantal to attend the girls pass in the 22nd. We find Mimi and Denis, other supporters of the day. Séverine
passes in great shape after 3 hours of racing followed by Anne in about 8 minutes galley a bit on the descents ... ..

There are Veronica and Mark, who just wrapped their leisurely 18 terminals by finishing in the middle of the pack in 1:39 '.
Veronique first class V2, and therefore cut back more on behalf of the SJA.
Séverine overcomes the 42 km in 4:38 '. Anne arrives at the sprint (the last mile is flat and asphalt) in 4:59 '. The course is nice, but not easier. The regional stage has taken over his favorite field.

My goal for myself, it's 20:00. Appointment with Mimi and Denis with the menu: a calf's head.

Monday morning towards Alsace, the rain is with us ... ..
Passage in different small villages Kaysersberg Eguisheim Riquewihr to finish ... .. Colmar. We are lucky with the weather as we take again the road in pouring rain.
Tuesday morning, a little jogging to relax''hind legs''of those who ran, and the convalescent increases from several minutes to each trip.
In return, a helping hand to maintain the orchard at our hosts to make themselves look good ... ... yes, we'd love to come back!! Back
Blois on Tuesday afternoon with lots of good memories.
Thanks to Bea, Mimi, Gerard and Denis for this amazing weekend. We love you so much that we can come back ... ..


Sore Throat Lump Swallow

Trail Marathon des Moulins

Sunday, May 31, on a beautiful sunny morning, the start is given for running the mills.
No suckers on the horizon!

In the pack of 15 km, Corine, Isabella, John and me, and that of 28 km, and Anne Thierry, and about 7.5 kilometers, the sister of Thierry!

course, not easy with these beautiful coastline, but what a pleasure for the eyes. It is a very pleasant journey in the woods where you read sometimes, but with beautiful spaces to go faster. Along the way, I guess the ground by bad weather, it must be something!
The home straight on the asphalt seems long, especially since we crossed the Cisse (thigh for smaller ....) But hey, it feels good, I was getting hot. Moreover, at this point, viewers are likely to encourage the runners.
Refuelling arrival gives us (among others) of chilled pineapple, things change and it's nice!

We expect the results while chatting but they will reward the first 3: pity because there were few rewards for the club but it does not matter it is very nice!! We meet
all, and happy with our time, we're already talking about the next race.

importantly, a nod to Isabella, who returned to top form!

Veronica and Corine

Monday, June 15, 2009

How Is The Roland Microcube For Metal


I anticipated inclusion in marathon and taking tickets six months before the date.
After running 7 marathons in 2008, I decided to take a break of six months, and the idea of not participating in the Prague Marathon had not even crossed my mind.

My persistent pain since the beginning of 2009, forced me me to face facts: I am a tourist and spectator May 10

So Veronica was to pin the bib number 310 on its holding SJA.
We are greeted on our arrival by Christian at Prague airport. Marielle was injured after a fall during training, it will also be a spectator.
Outside the sporting side, we discovered a beautiful city, and five days spent in the field we were not allowed to see everything.

Marielle and Christian gave us a wonderful welcome, and as they live in the heart of Prague''tourist''and 500 meters from the start of Marathon, our stay could only be okay.
We messing with Danielle and Dominique, also marathoners, but with a couple injured in: Danièle.
We were 6 on the starting line. 3 riders and 3 fans.
Dominique, who just completed 2.32, and 2.28 in Rome, Paris is the favorite of the three ...
It is relatively warm at the start, which does not help matters Veronica. Chrono
hand, a score in the 3rd km, then the 16th and 18th I can see that the target of 4 hours is playable.
The next appointment is the 25th km, is much worse ... .. and on the 32nd, of course, for less than 4 hours he will return! " Meanwhile
Dominica crossed the finish line in 2.37, and attend the arrival of Christian, 27.3 ', not bad after the 3.24' Cheverny.
Veronica arrives to 4.20 ', as expected she suffered from the heat ... ..
Most of Jarnac is not beaten, but she is ready to begin.
I already made an appointment in Prague in 2010 for personal revenge.

A cocktail-dinner organized by our hosts allows us to meet other runners and boast a marathon of Cheverny. Thank
Marielle (you also have a revenge to take), thank you Christian, you were great.

Christian Hurson