Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How Sausage Be Thawed In Microwave

When mediocrity is in the public or how some TV channels contribute to the degradation Heritage and Landscape

"D & CO", "The Masons of the heart", "All Together" or the newest "Permits to rebuild" ... these names mean nothing to you? Yet, they are highly regarded television shows across France to the chagrin of all those still with an awareness and a step back.

Indeed, broadcast including TF1, M6 and satellite cable, these emissions are primarily machines intellectually impoverished by social equality a race to the very bottom to feed a few large groups. Nothing will be spared: limited vocabulary, music and rowdy touted ubiquitous presenters unbearable excitement towards their "works", a good amount of tears and pseudo-social ...

But the most terrible is that these programs primarily involved in the destruction of a certain idea of taste, as the decoration of the architecture for the restoration our houses and apartments.

They have two great ways to insert in the minds (and high dose) ideologies devastating:
- The idea that the "decoration" is to destroy everything, to many colors and finally end a concept that is closer to the tuning of home decoration.
- The idea that the new pavilion, or even rebuilt, it is always better than an old house.

Should we rejoice that this is mainly flats which are highlighted in the hope that the coup is preserved old buildings standing ovation for this massacre? No. Indeed it is already report that sometimes Farms Village or flats Haussmann also be involved in the massacre. On the other hand some owners of old houses fascinated by these shows have the misfortune to reproduce these renovations risky and bad taste. Thus, the complex of living in an old house with character exists in a world where it is the flag that is constantly acclaimed without much would not stir ...

It is obviously not in the subtle differences between renovation and restoration, why think when the viewer is ready to absorb what is truly of "trash TV" along that emissions of "reality TV" Yet faster decried.

What happens there in France? In a country that has, if not invent, develop like no refinement of his skills down to the humblest village farms, there would be no room for a kind of "Americanization" of habitat to housing "custumisé" as it is said too much? Could we not imagine a program where small homeowners are helped by a former television came with companions for a quality restoration with educational value and aesthetic for the viewer? Apparently not because it seems that we should not make him think too much and then the TV did not have time. It seems more impressive to rebuild a red flag hideous disfiguring a neighborhood or a street in a week rather than admire the ability insert friendly restoration of the building while adapting it to a contemporary lifestyle quality.

window open on a certain state of mind of a society, these emissions are the cause, and with it other factors, the massacre of French heritage who, in contempt offered to him, must choose between abandonment by ignorance or survival by the massacre ... and with this heritage Global certain cultural impoverishment.

2011 happens to mark this year's initiatives of our most intelligent television. This will not come TF1 (who dares to play together some semblance of its newspaper assets to 13:00) or M6 but we expect that other, more informed give a chance that this legacy at the hour of sustainable development should have its place yet.

In the meantime we can only advise against this type of issue in greater numbers and any attempt to explain how each approach is not good whether it's urban, social links as lifestyle. For

end on a humorous note if some want to make gifts smart they can still send tickets to the museum of decorative arts or education in art history, architecture ... Valerie Damidot Marc Emmanuel and their colleagues of the massacre, it will be a useful gift and it promises real discovery!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Is It Okay To Masterbait In The Bath

Castle renaissance Louppy-sur-Loison (Meuse)

small village of "Pays de Montmedy" Louppy-sur-Loison is more often known as local or heritage enthusiasts. Yet the great castle that contains this village deserves to be widely known.

Located in the heart of the village it overlooks, this building was built from 1620 to 1633, probably by Simon II de Pouilly, Governor Stenay. He had seen the lordship of Louppy erected into a county in 1633 by the Duke of Lorraine Charles IV.
The construction of this castle is an opportunity to affirm the power of Simon II at a site where there were already two castles from the twelfth century, which is built the new castle and which can still be seen from impressive ruins of a few dozen meters from the entrance of the current castle Louppy-sur-Loison.

During the wars that inflame the Lorraine in the seventeenth century, and agricultural areas of the castle used as barracks for troops of the Duke of Lorraine.

important date in the history of the castle, sees the year 1657 held the seat of Montmedy (a few miles north) and Louis XIV and Marshal de la Ferte-Senneterre then install their headquarters at the castle-Louppy sur-Loison.

If the castle's history is not going to hear great time especially, it will be internal and external changes in the eighteenth century (many larger windows, removal of cross-stone, interruption of molded panels, patio coated ...) to bring comfort to the largest castle in the zeitgeist.

The nineteenth century will also see some changes with the redesign of the main building (the arcades on the ground floor are sealed, creating additional dormer windows in the roof, new sculptures Arms ...).

Busy during the First World War by the German army, the twentieth century will not spare the castle to serve as a prison camp during WW World. In fact, much of the interiors have been looted ...

Side building the castle is organized into regular plan for U-shaped body which includes a central courtyard open to the Valley Loison. Adds to it a backyard also organized U-shaped but in the opposite direction to the central body which is due to the topography. The backyard also includes a loft.

Regarding the architectural style it is generally in the presence of a late Renaissance style that's hard to see the classic show.
The central body is structured into two levels topped by a second floor in the attic while basements are also exploited. The facades are carved stone pillars of various kinds (Ionic, Corinthian and Doric) but also magnificent gates. This central body is topped by a roof with long tails broken. Overall, the windows were opened and enlarged in the eighteenth century, but contained mullions behind.
The public areas are made of stone for the structure and elements but also with regard to rubble walls.

Communal noble or central body, the peculiarity Castle Louppy-sur-Loison is the presence of many major portals carved with finesse and representing mythological scenes, or recall the family arms of Imécourt.

Castle now belongs to Vassinhac Imécourt that open to the outside of the castles (gardens, courtyards, gates, loft ...) Summer Sunday (afternoon).
A site known as Lorraine!

More information:

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Hang A Punching Bag On A Tree

The End of the World Marathon - March 28, 2010

ASJistes again in Britain to run the marathon at the End of the World. After the trail Glazig in February, heading for the Pointe du Raz. The SJA is really team 'in the wind. "

One group from the pavement on Friday morning, made stops at Pont-Aven, naturally buys cakes and arrives early afternoon at the lodge south of Douarnenez. The setting is nice and we were greeted warmly by Armelle and Wilfried. Direction the collection of numbers, we find the "Smith", not those of Moulinsart, Carmela and Olivier ...

Small walk along the beaches of Brittany, and the first pasta house.
Saturday morning Chantal, Severine, Veronique, Mark and Christian are on the "path of sardines" in Douarnenez.
Meanwhile, Anne, Corinne and Cecile are on the road. They join us at Mill Kerguerhent at 12:30 for lunch. Then

direction Raz, history to discover what awaits us tomorrow. The site is beautiful, but the wind will be from the game.

Then we go to discover the route. Even by car, it seems long ... The first 12 miles are very difficult, it will have to be very cautious at first.
Saturday evening, second pasta party and we go to sleep because of summer time !!!!!

Sunday morning, we are at the Pointe du Raz, the wind is blowing in the right direction and it does not rain. Temperature of 10/11 °.

Veronique first duo soars to 9:20. Marathoners and marathoners will follow 10 minutes later. Séverine km from the second difficulty to follow a slower pace than expected. She will leave on the 8th km victim of an ear infection.

Having remained with Séverine the first 2 miles, I agree with Anne on the 9th km. We have about 2 minutes behind the forecast, but it does not matter what follows is more rolling.

The semi is at 1:45 completed about, leaving hope for a final time of 3h30 '. We spend the 26th km, with the encouragement of Chantal, Marc and Cecile, who is in the starting blocks to take over from Veronique. Corine Cécile and will monitor and regularly double on the last 16 kms.
At 34 kms, I'm growing wings and I part company with Anne, who will keep me very long line of sight.
the 40th, "the foot", now it goes down, I sprint like I was leading the race!!

result, 3H27'42. 3H29'18 Anne arrives in "loop and also his second half faster than the first. Anne is ranked 9th and 3rd in the scratch V2. Behind Corine is being fun but we do not know .... It cuts the finish line 3H43'47 "explodes and his record of 3 minutes. Cecile arrives at about the same time.
Corine anticipated there are 2 bottles of sparkling rosé in the fridge .... Why are all the time joking about blondes?

A 19heures, we are full watering, Wilfried prepared meals pancakes in the kitchen, but will let poach, Armelle as elsewhere, to drink with us.

The party does not fly its full because Séverine is in bed. ... She will join us just for dessert, but not great shape.

The pancakes are excellent, with the cider will too.
A walk Monday morning on the site Plomarc'h, a small restaurant at noon, facing the sea, and on his way to Blois ... ... It is not life grand!

Christian Hurson After

Monday, March 15, 2010

How To Grind Whole Cloves

13 and February 14: Trail to Glazig Plourhan (22)

acrobatics Marc winter sports, we are more than 4 from Blois: Corine, Philip, Veronica and Christian. The 5th
thief from Bressuire we found on site: William alias is "shrimp".

The "shrimp" in question took 2 kg and reaches almost the size of a "prawn" !!!!!
booth set in the late morning, snack on the spot and go for a little promo Marathon de Cheverny.
Late afternoon Philip and William are preparing for the "Noz trail".

Should be crazy. ... It is night, very cold, it pleuviote and there is a wind not to put a "cuckold" outside.
At 19 hours, we go for 16 km ... .. at least we thought! William
loop goes the distance in 1:20, but Philippe goes back into the arms of firefighters. Too bad for him ... .. because they are all male. A beautiful
sprain while crossing a river, and it hurts ... ..
After the traditional pasta party, we will make a big sleep to be fit tomorrow.

Corine, Veronica and Christian are starting from the 32 km ... ... who will finally 34.5.
Philippe finds himself in the role of "photographer". It is too nice of Philippe, I'm sure he twisted his ankle not to leave William alone all morning!
And they are everywhere to encourage us. And we really need because it is a true alpine route.

I had planned to complete the distance in "a marathon time. It is indeed a marathon time that appears on my watch. ... But "missed a marathon." 4:09 '.
Corine and Veronica will play round accounts: 5.00 AM.
For once it's not the guys that are round !!!!!
But I know a guy who was very sore hind legs the next day.
Guess who?

Christian Hurson