Friday, March 4, 2011

Decorative Sale Boats

Cistercian abbey of Notre-Dame de Saint-Benoit-en-Woevre to Vigneulles lès Hattonchâtel (Meuse)

A facade or nearly so, that's all that really remains of the former Cistercian abbey of the hamlet of Saint-Benoit-en-Woevre (near the crossroads leading from Metz to St. Mihiel and Verdun to Toul), hovered over the town of Vigneulles lès Hattonchâtel.
The fineness of this neoclassical facade leaves us guessing what could be this complex of buildings that no longer serves as a backdrop to an abandoned farm ...

Founded in 1132, the Cistercian abbey was rebuilt in the eighteenth century as reflected in the beautiful ruins still present on the site.
Today is a real danger that heritage can be seen from the road if one pays attention. Not far from the abbey's Waterproof (common Lamorville) itself at risk, the Meuse however, no shortage of heritage asset that could be vectors of local development at the gates of Lake Madine ...
This witness of the past is to see before it disappears, hoping that time will prove the contrary ... This will be even more complex as the building receives no protection under the Monuments Historical.
If a restore is not originally envisaged but it would save this beautiful facade that deserves to be rescued from oblivion.

More information: C3% AET-in-Wo% C3% ABvre StBenoitWoevre/Index1.htm

Quad Line Rollerskates

House revival called Le Pavillon Rouge Harchéchamp (Vosges)

Superb village dominated by its castle, Harchéchamp also has a remarkable heritage calendar.
Built between 1593 and 1597, this house called the Red Flag is Renaissance. There is little information on its sponsor and its successive occupants.
If the mullions were missing, many elements reminiscent of the period of construction of a building but rebuilt in the eighteenth century for the domestic but also some openings in outside.

who admires a beautiful house along the Vair, a river that embraces tenderly Harchéchamp ...

More information: =% 28% 2888229% 29% 20% 20% 3aINSEE % 29 & & USRPWD USRNAME = nobody = 4% 24% 2534P & SPEC = 9 & SYN = 1 & IMLY MAX1 = & = 1 & MAX2 MAX3 = 100 & = 100 & DOM = All

Metal Gear 1 Rom English

By Beyza

H abit in gardens
E t it is nice
R bees
It has spines
S nose is small
S e often crush
O n love you.
N 'Did you not find it?

Red Bump Next To Dog's Butt

acrostic Acrostic by Agathe

C is Mama a Ifer
H abit stables
E st pretty
V a stroll
A gospel
L e gallop is his forte.

How Do I Give Myself A Atomi

Father Christmas by Camille Adele

Santa, are you going tonight
Bring lots of happiness,
lot of joy, great hope,
At the bottom of hearts.
children in their bed,
are asleep, mouth half-closed
And in their sleep, they smile
In dreams
With your hood, they see you
Descending from the sky at night
And you walking on the roofs
After midnight.
Or slipping into the chimney
To make gifts
they thee so often requested
In their sleep.
Santa, I am great
But I'll put my shoe,
Santa, I ask
to listen.
Santa, do you want tonight
bring me some happiness,
A little joy, a little hope,
the heart.

Janine Reffas

What Paper Can I Use Instead Of Rizla

Acrostic Acrostic

C is a mammal
H abit stables
E st pretty
V a stroll
A gospel
L e canter is his forte

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How To Beat Cube Runner For Iphone

Romanesque chapel of Saint Nicolas in Fameck Morlang (Moselle)

Best known for its industrial past for its architectural heritage, the valley Fensch account yet undiscovered treasures that deserve discovery.

Fameck A, the difference Morlang has a beautiful chapel dedicated to St. Nicolas. If the style novel is still easily found in areas of Toulois or western Vosges, it is more rare on the northern Lorraine (Note, however, also the Romanesque church of Mont-Saint-Martin near Longwy) . Built by the Benedictine
Gorze from 1186 to 1188, the chapel has undergone several changes Morlang and restorations during its long life. This is particularly the case in the thirteenth and seventeenth centuries. In the early seventeenth century particularly complements the beautiful gate that closes access to the space around the chapel along a late Renaissance style.

Like many religious buildings will be sold to the French Revolution and may well disappear after a demolition order in 1838. It is the action of an enlightened man, as he has always been to prevent the triumph of ignorance and contempt, Mérimée (who became famous for the heritage lovers), who saved the chapel. In 1950 the chapel will be fully restored.

Since then, a new restoration of magnitude occurred in the 2000s and the building has resumed all its splendor. Regrettably
urbanization simply inconsistent with and without small flags made from anarchic disfigure the area around the monument without any worries integration landscape (though the monument would be filed since 1846 ...). Damage even if it could be worse and pleasant views are still possible.

Discover the Heritage with a pleasure that adds to the surprise for those who have forgotten that Fensch Valley has a history that has not only 100 years and deserves at least as much to be known and recognized.

More information: = 133

Sunday, February 27, 2011

What Are Ways To Add Muscle To My Pitbull

Church Classic St. Martin Ourches-sur-Meuse (Maas)

small village in the Meuse valley, between Vaucouleurs and Pagny-sur-Meuse, Ourches-sur-Meuse is a village in the Meuse: a castle, laundries, farms elegant .. . and a beautiful church!

The Church of St. Martin had to replace a much older building. It is a sober classical style building from the late eighteenth sièlce while sleek. The interior has been redesigned in the nineteenth century in terms of decoration, both in terms of the statuary, stained glass or paintings.

A beautiful building that is not protected and yet has lots of charm. Often Open Sundays in the summer, in the village, Saint-Martin offers a place of SPIRITUALITY in an area that already calls for calm!

More information:

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Compression Sleeve Puller

"What future for farm buildings?" : Learn the new special edition of Peasant Houses in France

The basis of the cultural identity of our country, what are the traces a life that has long relied on socially and economically farming.

The traditional rural architecture, because it used local resources and she knew how to adapt to its environment and new uses, is now one of the most recognizable symbols of our campaigns.

Yet, for over sixty years, the modernization of agriculture and demographic change in rural areas are radically transforming the face of France.

To better understand these changes, this special issue contains twelve stories. Twelve examples of areas hit hard by these changes and whose buildings are the first victims.

It also gives a voice to professionals in the agricultural, architectural, nonprofit or university that come together in a social debate which is just beginning ... What

inspire a renewal for an awareness of the wealth of agricultural heritage, including comrpis Lorraine.

Retail price: 12 euros (including postage) - special rate for members of Farmers' Homes 10 euros.

More information:

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How Do I Programmy Starchoice Remote To My Tv?

Castle Composite Haboudange bishops of Metz (Moselle)

small village not far from Morhange in a green countryside, Haboudange but has an unknown heritage that deserves to be discovered.

Overlooking the village somewhat, the castle of the bishops of Metz draws his figure at once imposing and delicate.

Originally there was here a castle site dating from the tenth and eleventh centuries and rebuilt in the thirteenth century, ownership of the powerful bishops of Metz. From this it is fortified with substantial remains a tower where you can see an old mullioned window Crusaders probably added in the sixteenth century.
is in fact also built at this time what the manor house visible today among the medieval ruins it has partly been deleted. The mansion is also gradually redeveloped. Thus the remarkable staircase right inside seems to date from the seventeenth century when a chimney of the eighteenth century witnessed more embellishments later. The windows will repercées the nineteenth century.

Not only this set is gradually restored to the delight of lovers of heritage and nature lovers but also can enjoy the site and the castle by passing one or more nights. In fact, the castle of the bishops of Metz, Haboudange, is also a cottage where the owners welcome you with generosity, kindness and above all passion for an exceptional place.

Feel free to explore this place and why not sleep!

More information:

Monday, February 21, 2011

Allergy Shots Shingles

Church (chapel) composite DOLAINCOURT St. Genest (Vosges)

Like many villages in Lorraine DOLAINCOURT in the west of the Vosges, has a very interesting church. Old chapel built in the sixteenth century (1530), Saint-Genest is small but elegant and slender shape. Wearing a beautiful boom of the eighteenth century, the Enlightenment has seen other changes including the beautiful main door or berries.

A small interesting church in a village which also has beautiful farms and crosses exception.

More information: =% 28% 2888137% 29% 20% 20% 3aINSEE % 29 & & USRPWD USRNAME = nobody = 4% 24% 2534P & SPEC = 9 & SYN = 1 & IMLY MAX1 = & = 1 & MAX2 MAX3 = 100 & = 100 & DOM = All

Sunday, February 13, 2011

How Long Can To Serve In The Military

Early intervention on France Bleu Sud Lorraine ...

The purpose of this blog is to honor the heritage of Lorraine as everything indicates the beginning of his reading.

In this spirit, the Regional Radio France Bleu Sud Lorraine has made a series of interludes Heritage Lorraine (also aired on France Bleu Lorraine Nord) echoing this blog that was circulated last week (from 7 to 11 February 2011) on his show "Lorraine is great," every day from 1:30 p.m. to 1:45 p.m..

I thank once again France Bleu Sud Lorraine, who took the initiative more that sympathetic via the host Jerome Prod'homme. An opportunity to express some thoughts on heritage towns and villages of Lorraine and their wealth but also their challenges.

To listen to the show you can go to the site of France Bleu Sud Lorraine

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Perrier Water And Pregnancy

Call for Nominations for the day Heritage Country Lorraine June 19, 2011 Demonstrations for crystal

Heritage Day Country and Mills is open to all those who want to know and appreciate the heritage, landscape and traditional skills.
The 14th edition will be held Sunday, June 19, 2011 (a program off on Saturday)

The event will take place throughout the Lorraine, where all applications are welcome (associations, landowners, communities ...) to discover the local heritage sometimes misunderstood and in need of upgrading. Until
Meurthe-et-Moselle was not involved in this national event growing but this year it the local delegation of young Peasant Houses in France that will ensure the organization and relays. The 4
Lorraine departments will therefore participate in this great event this year and are open to your desires.

- Organising events helping to raise awareness of the heritage of countries and landscapes: visits, tours, discovery tours, exhibitions, demonstrations of skills, lectures, storytelling, markets, animations for younger such as contests, treasure hunts, etc..
- Follow the theme if possible 2011: the heritage hidden secret unusual ...
- To free (the Heritage Day Country and Mills is a free event but we accept Pay exceptionally animations if the price is moderate).
- Register before March 31, 2011

The Association for Heritage Day Country and Mills offers a website, posters and provides a relay releases:
http://www.journeedupatrimoinedepays. com /

Feel free to disseminate this information to the greatest number.

For information you can contact the Delegate of France Peasant Houses of Meurthe-et-Moselle (and author this blog): Anthony KOENIG

55, rue de la Hache
54 000 NANCY
Phone: 03 83 22 68 85
Notebook: June 10, 1989 March 1972