Probably the only book on the historian's practice of history that I reread continually piecemeal: Apology for history or art historian Marc Bloch - undoubtedly the founder of historical science as we practice it today. The book is unfinished, the author, resistant, was among the victims of Klaus Barbie, it was published by his friend Lucien Febvre in 1949. It is a wonderful book
- everything is there, almost to the point we could just quote piecemeal. Here, on the question of vocabulary, already mentioned here methinks, and so powerful in the history of technology (what words to use, those of our sources or ours? And how not read the words of our sources as they were ours?), a phraseFor, much to the chagrin of historians, men are not accustomed, whenever they change their habits, change of vocabulary.I'll stop there; quote Marc Bloch is like eating pistachios, once you start, you can not stop.
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