Monday, January 31, 2011

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classical building in Mirecourt (Vosges)

Mirecourt, like many small towns of Lorraine and France, which had a glorious past but who are sacrificed on the altar of globalization versus ultra-liberalism, suffers more than other economic problems difficult to overcome in the present state of things. The consequences are terrible in this world heritage city prestigious, if recovered, would in a real small town character to some tourist attractions (in addition to violin making, embroidery or music machine). But the situation is such that the assets deteriorate to a certain indifference and economic difficulties do not explain everything. A certain contempt for the historic center and ignorance on the architectural aesthetics are also an additional source of unfortunate neglect of heritage (although it should be noted that the municipality has established a ZPPAUP particular).

Stop by finding to better admire the building which, although only tear, shows the hidden treasures we dare not look yet!

Thus, at 25 rue Chanzy in Mirecourt, lies this beautiful classic style building at least as regards the facade. Indeed they are often older buildings that have been reworked in the eighteenth century.
Mascarons adorn windows and door, she still possessing the same wooden door that must be saved also because of the XVIIIth.
This building, like others, deserve special attention to regain its luster as well as sad, it offers a beautiful smile, so imagine the restaurant!

Strolling in Mirecourt offers other visions of this type, but all deserve the recognition and interest.

More information:

Sunday, January 30, 2011

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medieval Church of Our Lady and the Champ-le-Duc (Lorraine)

major Vologne Valley, Notre Dame de Champ-le-Duc dominates the landscape far from its elegant silhouette and perfected over the centuries.

Built in the XII century on a place that would have housed a villa desired by Charlemagne when he came hunt, Notre Dame boasts a Romanesque style developed in spite of changes over the centuries. Inside the furniture is typical of the eighteenth century, as the organ (built in 1781), listed building alongside the church. Note also the presence of a baptismal font dating from the sixteenth century.

Review and corrected in the eighteenth century, the church has undergone major restoration after the Second World War. Since it is regularly maintained to provide its best face to the believers and the curious who want to visit.

A treasure of 8 centuries we contemplate.

More information: C3% 89glise_Notre-Dame_de_Champ-le-Duc

Saturday, January 29, 2011

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Church and St. Leger classic St. Gébertrude to Jussarupt (Vosges)

Little known for its heritage, the valley Vologne however, no shortage of places worth visiting.

is the case, for example, the church called St. Leger and St. Gébertrude to Jussarupt whose mountains the scenery round draw background.
Few details of this church. We can deduce that the place must exist since the Middle Ages, but the current building has been greatly transformed in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Classic style and everything in pink sandstone, the church has two doors remarkable. A typical eighteenth century and another on the bell tower, dating to the early seventeenth century, at least announcing the end of the Renaissance to the early classical.

A beautiful little treasure of architecture that is unfortunately not open ... but that deserves a little detour at least for the outside!

More information :

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

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Former Abbey Hotel Saint-Remy in Luneville (Meurthe-et-Moselle)

Famous for its castle, or embroidery its pottery, Luneville concentrates a civil and religious heritage that can not be neglected.

Wonder takes over the streets like next to the church of Saint-Jacques in the heart of town. Here it is next to the church but that is because the former abbey of Saint-Rémy abbey powerful ( C3% A9my_de_Lun% C3% A9ville ). This explains that side is still of high quality buildings like this old abbey hotel at 1 Place Saint-Rémy. Built in 1728

request of the abbot of Saint-Remy Abbey Hotel reflects the resurgence of the abbey in the eighteenth century. From a simple yet refined classical style, all the local sandstone used to look rosy. The hotel will be complemented by two side additions in 1748, but the awkward connections. But the whole is of high quality with its outside staircase double revolution in front but his back garden, open to the public. A Inside there is still trim, fireplaces, stucco ... A little treasure from the Enlightenment!

All (hotel and garden) is enrolled in the supplementary inventory of historic monuments.
Belonging to the town of Luneville, this building is waiting patiently for a new destiny that is slow to come forward. At least it is preserved and maintained even if one would like to see further revived and restored.

More information: =% 28% 2854329% 29% 20% 20% 3aINSEE % 29 & & USRPWD USRNAME = nobody = 4% 24% 2534P & SPEC = 9 & SYN = 1 & IMLY MAX1 = & = 1 & MAX2 MAX3 = 100 & = 100 & DOM = All

Sunday, January 23, 2011

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Farm renaissance Serécourt (Vosges)

small village south of the Vosges, Serécourt is no exception to this area near the Saône Vosges and displays a wealth interesting.

addition to a small church or castle, is the rural heritage of the village which is remarkable in many farms aligning high quality that are relatively well preserved, and little misleading in a natural environment.

At number 47 of the High Street firm emerges from one another by their size and quality. Built in the sixteenth century, this farm is still a beautiful testimony to the wealth of land in the Renaissance. Grand
farm house and barns as combining traditional farms for Lorraine, the imposing of all is supported by a stair tower appetizer left the main building or through this beautiful niche with a virgin the child. The traditional farm house is also flanked by a body most imposing building on the right, placing the farm buildings in a more easy.

A building that leaves no one indifferent, which has been restored and is one of riches of this beautiful village Serécourt to (re) discovered.

More information: =% 28% 2888455% 29% 20% 20% 3aINSEE % 29 & USRNAME = nobody & USRPWD = 4% 24% 2534P & SPEC = 9 & SYN = 1 & IMLY = & MAX1 = 1 & MAX2 = 100 & MAX3 = 100 & DOM = All

Friday, January 21, 2011

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by Max

In the old Terrasson, the streets are steep and there are stairs. Many houses are restored. There are very few shops but can be seen on some houses facades that once decorated wooden stalls (small shops).

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Like, I do not

I like: ice, cakes, apples, carrots, pizza, chocolate, donuts.
I do not like: garlic, onion, (it stings), and fish.

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Acrostic by Benjamin

The has great fur
I is the wild
O na afraid of him
N we herbivore

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Why do we eat and dowels we?

- It's good for our bodies.
- To spend.
- To have energy.
- To live.
- To be fit, healthy.
- For vitamins.
- To have fun.
- To spend quality time together.

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New Terrasson by Serhildan

Since 1955, the town of Terrasson has spread.
In the new Terrasson, the road is wide and paved.
Outside the school Jacques Prévert, there is a bike path. The roofs are tiles. The houses have
plastered walls and are separated by fences, hedges. You can see the greenery and trees.

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Acrostic Acrostic by Adele

P MALL of the mare.
O Reilly averages.
U n bit naughty sometimes.
L Ongue tail.
A ith four legs.
I the eat apples, hay, carrots.
N ' not you find?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

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House said Arcades Hattonchâtel to Vigneulles lès Hattonchâtel (Meuse)

The common-lès-Vigneulles Hattonchâtel, near Lac de Madine, is composed of several villages. The most famous and probably Hattonchâtel, famous city of the bishops of Verdun hung on a hill that dominates the landscape far from her beautiful silhouette.

addition to the castle or the monastery there is other evidence of what was once a small walled city.
is the case of the house called the arcades which lies at the heart of the village on the Place du Grand-wells.
Built in the Middle Ages, probably in the thirteenth or fourteenth century, the house still has two pointed arches that reflect the old business that needed to be longer important. If the bay floor was changed in the eighteenth century and if the building has undergone some changes, it remains a precious medieval testimony that adds lots of charm Hattonchâtel.

An invitation to discover a more unique perspective on the plain of Woevre and the lake of Madine, all in a historic setting himself surrounded by plum ...

More information: =% 28% 2855551% 29% 20% 20% 3aINSEE % 29 & & USRPWD USRNAME = nobody = 4% 24% 2534P & SPEC = 9 & SYN = 1 & IMLY MAX1 = & = 1 & MAX2 MAX3 = 100 & = 100 & DOM = All

Friday, January 14, 2011

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by Furkan

C' is an animal that has a mustache.
H abit in a house
A claws
T ery nice.

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The downtown by caroline

The floor is narrow and paved. The roofs are slate and the houses are stuck. They are tiered and shops are on the ground floor.
There are a lot of noise and pollution because cars and trucks.