The common-lès-Vigneulles Hattonchâtel, near Lac de Madine, is composed of several villages. The most famous and probably Hattonchâtel, famous city of the bishops of Verdun hung on a hill that dominates the landscape far from her beautiful silhouette.
addition to the castle or the monastery there is other evidence of what was once a small walled city.
is the case of the house called the arcades which lies at the heart of the village on the Place du Grand-wells.
Built in the Middle Ages, probably in the thirteenth or fourteenth century, the house still has two pointed arches that reflect the old business that needed to be longer important. If the bay floor was changed in the eighteenth century and if the building has undergone some changes, it remains a precious medieval testimony that adds lots of charm Hattonchâtel.
An invitation to discover a more unique perspective on the plain of Woevre and the lake of Madine, all in a historic setting himself surrounded by plum ...
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